Thursday, May 28, 2009

Krups 468-42 Moka Brew 8-Cup Coffeemaker - Delonghi Coffee Maker

Krups 468-42 Moka Brew 8-Cup Coffeemaker

Krups 468-42 Moka Brew 8-Cup Coffeemaker
From Krups

468-42 Moka Brew Coffeemaker - What does the Moka Brew do that drip coffee makers can't do? It uses natural steam pressure to extract the full coffee flavor rather than just heating water and allowing it to drip down through ground coffee. Like an italian stovetop maker, this electric device employs a similar technique but makes it simpler, foolproof. The water heats in the lower chamber. Then begins to produce steam bubbles which rise to the top of the chamber and push the water down. As the water is pressed down, the only way to escape is through the tubes running up the sides of the machine. Under pressure, the water travels up, through the tube and into the filter basket.

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